A little (very little) about where I started and where I landed. Short story: I started off very Classical Education. You know, "The Well Trained Mind", Latin, Saxon Math, etc.. Then this thing happened where it wasn't working.... at all... But I soldiered on. Then there were the "muddled years" where everything just kinda blended into moving and babies and an obstinate first child... and more moving and more babies. And for some reason the whole Classical approach was still not working. So I jumped (desperately tried to survive) into "box curriculum" (you know the kind that is easy to use and comes in a box.... boring) and it limped us along through the "muddled years" as I switched on and off between using the box stuff and the Classical Approach to procure superior minded children (HA!).
Then this amazing thing... (okay- so have I ever told a "short story"? moving on...)... yes this AH-MAZE-ING thing happened at a homeschool conference. I saw this!!!
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One day I will write more specifically on how our first day went because it was a pretty comical day and it showed me just how stressed out my older kids were on our "Classical Muddled" education.
Since finding Queens, I have only strayed for one year when I decided to try something else, it was fine but we came back to using mostly all Queens. I don't want to name that "strayed year curric" yet because its actually a fantastic curric and I plan on talking about it one day. I do not want anyone ruined from accepting its own awesomeness just because I only did it for one year.
Also when I first started out with Queens they did not have math or history so I found other things that worked for us that still kept with the style of teaching I had landed on. As Queens has grown I have tried their history but not their math...maybe one day. Math is entirely a different post altogether as well. We shall barely speak of it here.
My "short story" has turned quite lengthy (was anyone really shocked?) and I still have an incredible amount of stuff I want to say about Queens and my homeschooling journey in general but for now this "little" intro should wet your pallet and hopefully you want to hear more.
Minda!!! I miss you so very much....but I am glad I got the chance to know you during your short stint in GA!!! Thank you for taking the time to write out these helpful posts on home schooling....now I finally have a reference point to send all the friends to that have heard about my dear, famous Minda ;) This is perfect timing, too, because I'm at the beginning of a break from it all, to re-evaluate and revamp what we're doing! Sounds like a similar journey to yours....why am I not surprised?? ;) Love it!!!